Clipping through buildings, fences, walls etc.
4 years ago

Back in April I discovered that you can clip through buildings (and even out of bound) using a glitch when Huang gets into a vehicle. So far I haven't found any useful strats for this except for "Clear the Pier" after using the save glitch.

What you need to do is to get a vehicle (only some works with this glitch) and park the driver's side near a wall or anything to clip through (make sure there is just enough gap). Then, climb over the vehicle and press enter vehicle while standing near the driver's side. While Huang is opening the door, cancel the animation by moving and he should clip through most solid objects.

Konepe likes this

Can be useful in some missions, idk which tho.

Admi likes this

This is basically useless in everything except for IL's, since you save little to no time. Only missions i can think of where it might be useful (If you are quick) is Street of Rage and Steal the Wheels.

Admi likes this

The Sultan doesn't work for this glitch... and several other vehicles.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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