Verification of keyboard inputs
6 months ago

Mapping multiple keys/buttons to a single input is permitted but only one of those keys/buttons may be used per stage

Without going into how dumb this rule is for not just flat out forbidding multi-binds, how is this checked? The keyboard runners I see now, it can be very hard to see what keys they are using.

Also is 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4 considered seperate "stages" for this rule?

arnaud33200 likes this

Yes, stages are 6-2, 6-3 etc.

Rules have since been clarified slightly, as per the suggestions of the community. Further clarifying examples will likely be added.

Not sure what you mean by checking keyboard inputs other than requiring hand cam and keyboard input display.

ViggoTheeCarpathian, GustavoShrapnel and 2 others like this

Thanks for the clarification.

Yes, I was thinking of how the key usage was verified/checked. But I know you probably will hold very competitive times to high standards, even if not requiring handcam or keyboard display. So it will be okay!

Edo_87 and blacksquall like this
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