Wizard101 ANY% Wiz City, Krok, Marleybone, etc.
4 years ago
St. Louis, MO, USA

I've Completed the first Arc in around 4.5 hours give or take a few minutes. I think it would be nice to have an Any% category where you can be boosted by friends, and for each world. I just beat Dragonspyre in 1 hour 52 minutes for instance.

faeriequeens likes this
Maryland, USA

I definitely don't think assisted runs have any chance on being added onto here. As well as for Krok and onward, it's hard to judge what equipment would be considered as the base for each world as individual runs, just too many arbitrary factors to setting these things up. This has been discussed numerous times over the years, I doubt any of it will be added.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
St. Louis, MO, USA

That's why I think it should be called any% Anything goes to beating the worlds as quickly as possible. It's extremely interesting to see games broken down like that, and something I think tons of people would enjoy.

faeriequeens likes this

I personally would run an any% way more than say Alicane%, which is literally a dice roll on whether he kills you ~ killing a run or not. The only thing that would be a problem is crowns items being used could make it total pay to win which I think is a big factor why it's NOT a thing

I will say, any% is likely a friend just spamming a fast all hit through the entire world on a max wizard. Not saying it would be boring but eh.

At the end of the day though it's VGPs decision since he's the mod for the game.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
St. Louis, MO, USA

I've been doing it on YT and I will say it's extremely exciting.

United States

Certain other run types have been considered and added over the years, but Arc1% has been one that seemed pretty out of reach. For one, assisted runs can't really be added because it would essentially just be other people spamming someone through each world, and possibly with lore cards or crowns equipment or all sorts of other, special equipment or cards that take a lot of time and effort to receive, outside of the run time (basically pay to win in speedrunning). Plus, you wouldn't really be speedrunning in that case, in my opinion. It would be more like someone else is carrying you through the game. Another reason too is that if the solo rules were kept in place, it would take someone over 24 hours to complete, which can put a person's health at risk. Someone ran it a while back and got around 40 something hours I believe, 12ish on just dragonspyre I think. I've thought about letting people pause mid run and come back, provided they can show nothing changed, but for now that hasn't been necessary. It would also open up the possible risk of people putting multiple runs together in one video, and calling it one run. The closest other, longer runs have probably come is the possibility of a PyramidofFire% or outright Krokotopia%. Though soloing the dungeons can cause issues, especially as an underleveled storm. Beyond them though, idk how much more viable the other worlds would be. Especially if they had to be done all in one sitting. I hope this helps clear things up :)

United States

Don't know, I haven't done runs in a while, but I could do one eventually (I'd leave the timer and recording on and take a break if I had to, I think that should be fair game) Also, maybe a co-op could be considered if all people started at the same time and were all on clean characters. (and maybe all provided video) This would be tedious on verification though and maybe would warrant more mods.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Maryland, USA

The Co-op idea was something Red/Poop and I were going to attempt before wizard city was ruined. I think in that aspect Co-op would be a good idea upon fresh start (which may be the way to do a full Arc 1 run since 2 underleveled storms is greater than 1), rather than the max wizard carry Co-op (Toontown Rewritten does this version of Co-op, but it does not seem to be a good run for Wizard101 with the way the games differ in questing). Co-op runs for MMORPGs are always hit or miss.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United States

Yeah, currently I'm less motivated to run especially with the update and the fact that I'm more motivated on a different game. From a Producer's Letter I think I read, it seems they intend to continue the changes and bring new stuff to other streets, which would further kill my motivation. But I agree with the fact that this is probably a better idea than the carry co-op idea, and could maybe revive my motivation if it was added.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Ruined? For most categories, you can actually get better times then legacy lol.....The only one that seems to be affected is Harvest Lord% but I still think it could be a 20 with perfect luck. Co-op is a good idea and as long as both players have footage I don't see how it would be a terrible burden to verify.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Missouri, USA

I think they should put it on there! Plenty of people enjoy watching it and plenty of people would like to run it.


Honestly, I'm not a mod on the game or anything, but I think VGP will agree with most of what I say below.

As far as Friends%/Carry% goes, it's unlikely to happen. Co-op is the only thing likely to happen and that's on two new characters.

There is way too much pay to win (Example. I watched DairyKings WC run and he has the clown car) and unfair advantages (nobody other then content creators has 8 friends/discord members to cover every teleport location). I just feel like speedruns should have an even playing field.

Content-wise it seems really fun to do with a community, but in my opinion it has no place on official speedrun boards.

United States

Yes, I agree that while runs involving a group of friends with max gear carrying someone through wizard city could be fun and interesting to see what the theoretical fastest time is, I don't think it could ever be on the leaderboards. because pay to win would be involved. Glitches aren't really allowed either because KI doesn't want us using them (as in KI could ban you for wrong warping for example). Co-op I suppose "maybe" could be a thing, but if it did, I would likely set it up like this: All players start fresh, all players screens are present in the video at once, the run ends when every player finishes the corresponding end task, and co-op runs would be separated from non co-op runs.

ItzGray, S4mWell, and Malamber like this
Kentucky, USA

I'm interested in an Arc1% too.

I have a pet with gargantuan and with a friend got all the way through Mooshu in about 8 hours. Without that you are limited to tough TCs, which may extend that to like 11 hours I guess, and then 15 total for dragonspyre perhaps? We were just playing on balance and myth, not choosing specific best class or anything.

You could allow 1 or 2 day-long-breaks after the end of a world if the runs taking too long is a concern.

Edit: DS took us about 4.5 hours and celestia took us about 5.5 hours. We weren't solely focused on speed.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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