Ban list
6 years ago
Texas, USA


-THECOOLDUDE14 (until January 2nd 2022 reason for ban listed in reply to this thread)

-Liqhten (Until February 16th, 2022)


-jovanmunja -ThermalGodlike -crafterlegend1 -Flare/Ryzal -WarloxGames -JesseMCSM -Pyxelated -CaptainPhoenix/GappledUHC -RazorBlade8888 -GingDoesDE ( -Dinosaurjack -ThunderPlayz -Cerdax -cneb/Benush -Liqhten

Everyone in the old banlist is now only watchlisted.

Tac and Craftain are releasing some guidelines for players and future mods to (hopefully) follow.

Why we made this: The bans, so far, have been indefinite and basically infinitely long. This is mostly because of issues like repeated cheating, or just plainly forgetting about the ban.

The system will go as follows.

There will be different penalties for each offense. There will also be a watchlist system, which will prioritized people who are marked down as potential or former cheaters.

Being watchlisted will give you different penalties than if you weren't.

These are the normal penalties

Slowed Timer = 2 months. 6 months max. Sped Up Run (or Frame Cutting) = 9 months. 2 years max. Speed Hacks = 12 months. 2 years max.

Each VIDEO that cheats in a certain method will be counted as a separate offense, which is why maximum lengths were imposed.

Due to the new system implemented, the old banlist will be cleared and taken out of the equation.

Watchlist offenses: Certain people will be put on a public watchlist. If the moderation team finds evidence of person cheating before they admit in clear written/video form that they were cheating, the moderation team will ban them for the maximum length of the offense penalized for. If they admit before the moderation team finds clear proof, however, they will only be banned for 4 months, regardless of offense.

and yes, this means everyone in the old banlist, including Razorblade8888, is now unbanned.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: Watchlisting is PERMANENT. The only way to get off the watchlist is to become part of the banlist instead, which is not really preferred. And by the time you DO get out of the banlist, all people who have ever been banned will be watchlisted, which means that you will still be part of the watchlist when unbanned.

Edited by Paris_Labrador 3 years ago
Texas, USA

This is from

I'm locking it because "New Rule System" is a pretty shit title. And If I have to explain this, what happens when there's a new system?

Edited by the author 6 years ago

that's a lot of people I know. wonder why they got banned

tac23tac23 likes this
United States

Only two people are banned. These people have been watchlisted for either being a potential cheater, or have had a history of cheating. Everyone in the old banlist was also watchlisted.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
tac23tac23 likes this

Edited the post because thunder was in both the banlist and watchlist btw

Maximus, duckle, and H6W like this
United States

lock tbh

tac23tac23 likes this

Shouldn't have ever unbanned him from like 2 years ago smh

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