SNES Classic viability
5 years ago
Kentucky, USA

I recently submitted a run that was rejected due to the fact I run on a SNES Classic. While I do understand that it currently isn't an accepted platform, I don't understand why it isn't. It is an official piece of hardware issued by Nintendo, and the emulator used on said hardware is an accepted emulator on another platform. My run isn't even close to being anything special, so having it rejected isn't my concern, more that the entire platform is denied.

I'm really enjoying speedrunning I'm going to continue to run on this platform, so I would like to see it accepted for "official" runs. If it is to be denied as potential platform for running, I at least would like to know a reason, as from my experience with it, it is as spot on as any emulator can be, but still plays on official hardware, which is the best of both worlds in my book.

Wait what? SNESClassic is an accepted platform, is it not?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Colorado, USA

SNES Classic is accepted for All-Stars runs, not NES runs.

Sure, that console is official hardware from Nintendo, but you're running an emulator on top of it which kinda throws out the "official" part of it. Sure, the emulator is approved itself, for the PC version which is what people generally use emulator on. We don't have data on this setup. The NES/SNES Classic runs at 60FPS natively and most PC emulators run at the NES framerate of 60.0988139. So which is it in this scenario or is it even something different entirely? For this game, that difference is much more significant compared to many other games. Also, are there some inconsistencies with this kind of setup that's unnoticed or unknown? We don't have answers to those questions. There's no guarantee X emulator behaves exactly the same between one that runs on PC and one that runs on a console. Figuring all that out takes a fair amount of time, effort, testing and analysis. In my opinion, that's a lot to do to accommodate one or two people. One person saying "seems fine to me" isn't enough unfortunately.

The statement about your run being nothing special is subjective and irrelevant at the same time. We've tried to tighten the rules down across the entire leaderboard to be consistent no matter if you're near the top or near the bottom or somewhere in between. Folks find it unfair if some people can follow one set of rules and others can't. For instance, we used to have a time threshold on whether or not you had to provide a video with your submission and we got rid of that and basically adopted the "no vid, no did" policy.

A point of advice for any game you speedrun is to check the rules to see what is and isn't permitted. We do list approved consoles and platforms in our rules. If something isn't stated or unclear, you can always ask for clarification.

I hope this post didn't come across as incendiary or anything like that as that's not my intention. I'm just telling it how it is and explaining our side of things.

Thelxinoe and Kosmic like this

I think this makes sense

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Yes, Roopert, that does make sense, and no its not incendiary or anything of the like. It is the explanation I was looking for and nothing more. I do however find it curious that, as HitzCritz points out, SNESClassic is listed under the game, yet it won't run without said emulator being installed on my SNESClassic? I checked before I submitted and noticed it as viable, but now it isn't?

I'm by no means getting upset here or anything, simply seeking some answers, thanks for your time!

United States

As Roopert stated, snes classic is an approved platform for the All Stars version, not the NES version.

Superrunner likes this
Kentucky, USA

Thanks for clarifying!

Edit: I’m still going for sub 5:00 on it

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Lul_ecks_dee likes this

@BigBurdel Good luck, only Kosmic has ever gotten sub 5 on the All Stars version. I look forward to seeing the new all stars any% WR by you PogChamp

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Superrunner likes this
New Hampshire, USA

IIRC SNES (the console @Kosmic used) has the fastest framerate, so using the SNESClassic can hold a disadvantage for you. It's also a tough challenge due to the enlargened hitboxes and lack of despawned enemies. Not doubting you just giving you a few heads up before you play.

Lul_ecks_dee and Thelxinoe like this

That is definitely a thing to take note of. With the optimal framerate you could simply play perfectly with no hard tricks and get sub 5. When at the unoptimal framerate at 60? FPS flat like I am it takes far more work to get sub 5, the easiest way potentially adding walljump in 8-4 and FPG, or 1-2g.

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