100% runs?
9 years ago

Hey, I just wanted to know if it would be possible to have a category for a 100% run in this game. I guess there's very little interest, but I still think it would be cool to have some runs like that here. So if this becomes a thing, we also need to know what qualifies as a 100% run. I think all or some of this is what we should use to define a 100% run:

All Tinderboxes, All Oi Potions, All Notes, All Laudanum All Items (Including Weyer's Tonic?).

While things like: All Barrel Oils, All Mementos and All Monsters / monster hallucinations should not be required


Texas, USA

That kind of a 100% run wouldn't be possible because of one tinderbox in the last level. It exists in an area of the map you can't get to without console commands. There have been 100% runs attempted years ago but the rules were a bit different then the ones you listed. The runs I saw collected the following:

-All notes -All puzzle items -All puzzles completed

The requirements for the category never came to a definitive consensus and were primarily identified by the people that ran it. So if you want to do runs of 100%, that's great. But I don't think a leaderboard would be necessary unless you convinced a few people to agree on a definition for 100%.


I understand the problem - The lack of a consistent definition. I'll probably do a 100% run in the future sometime, but I don't think it will have a high priority, as I will be focusing more on the glitchless run. Speaking of which (I am going off topic here, but), what defines a glitch? I'm just gonna ask that because there's a couple of things which are borderline and I am not sure if it is allowed or not. Such as:

  • Sometimes when you jump down stairs or on a slope, your vertical speed adds onto your horiontal speed for a brief moment. Is this not allowed to do, and if so, what if it accidently happens during a glitchless run?
  • In the Mourge, if you quickly open the door after vaccinating yourself, you skip the brute encounter.
  • Sometimes (at random) some dialogues in the cutscenes/flashbacks are skipped, (haven't found anything that triggers it/avoids it).
  • At the end of the game in the Chancel, after throwing a rock into the machine, a Brute is supposed to spawn, but can be skipped if you just head for the exit/Inner Sanctum right away.
  • Spamming the jump-button on certain places to jump on walls or similar things, in order to get to higher places faster or more efficiently.
  • In the first Prison part, when you hear the Brute the first time, you are supposed to be slowed down, but if you drag a rock across the floor, you can go at full speed. Is that a glitch?

And possibly more... So would it be possible to just clear that up?

Texas, USA

Glitchless runs are about as undefined as 100% runs, except enough people have ran the category with the same rules that it got a place on the leaderboard. Here's the rules used in the glitchless runs as far as I can tell:

-No boosting (boosting up to high places like in Back Hall 1 and boosting down stairs are not allowed)

-Skipping flashbacks and event triggers are allowed (the brute spawn in Morgue and the chipper flashback in Prison South are good examples)

-The speed rock in Prison South is allowed

-Skipping puzzles without using glitches is allowed (the biggest example here is the Control room skip)

-No going OoB

These rules aren't written down anywhere and I'm sure there can be arguments made for and against most of these decisions.

Here's what I recommend: If you want to compare against other people on the leaderboard, watch the other runs listed in the glitchless category and do what they do. If you have a different set of rules or strats you want to use, just run with them and let the Moderators determine whether or not it counts as "Glitchless".


The biggest problem (in my eyes) is that this game doesn't have any sort of track for %'s in the game as for what you've actually accomplished. You may do a full "100%" run and miss one puzzle that no one notices and then your time is unbeatable yet grandfathered in. With that you'd be saying "well because my run was verified and thus grandfathered in then your runs can avoid doing that puzzle too" which is where this category falls apart due to the bits that will be taken from a 100% run, thus losing its definition. Hopefully that was easy to follow. I'd love to see 100% runs personally, the one I saw (as mentioned above by Nosferatu) was good and I really thought it was interesting what had happened in the run. Hell, it was faster than my any% run at the time so I was mega impressed at how well it went. The sad error is just what will come of the category once someone nitpicks at the categories rules. Hopefully we can one day make a definitive "here are the rules" discussion, but that is to be seen.

Texas, USA

For these odd categories like 100% and glitchless, I think the best way to get them more popular would be to do runs and try to get other people interested. It would be difficult to construct a leaderboard and make rules for something that no one currently runs. However, if someone does a run with a rule set that makes sense to them, then at least we would have a foundation to work with. Consider this hypothetical scenario:

-There's currently no rule set or leaderboard for 100%

-Someone does a 100% run by doing whatever they believe counts towards 100%

-Other people see the run and try to compete against it using the same rules

-At this point, we could make a leaderboard for 100% because the rules would be whatever the existing runs decided to use.

It doesn't make sense to make a leaderboard before people do a run of something. A leaderboard should be the result of a community of people that want to compare against each other, with rules that everyone that wants to participate can agree on. Since there are so many ways to interrupt what a 100% run would do, it would be better to have an existing community of people tell us what the "correct" rules for 100% should be, rather than having people that have never run the category decide how it should be ran.

TL;DR Let the community decide what should be on the leaderboard instead of letting the leaderboard decide what the community should do.

Karpnado likes this

Well there we are, Desch. Hopefully we can see you running this category a lot with your interpretation of the rules or with other peoples interpretation for it to get on this site eventually and hopefully inspire more people.

If you figure out what rules you want to run then make a new forum here and I'll take notes on that and happily compete against you when I have access to a computer with Amnesia on it again! (December time no doubt). Thanks for the post and hopefully any questions you have have been answered. Any other questions then don't hesitate to post :)



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Load Extender Voting Results

Thank you all for voting. The results are as follows:

2.1 Should the Load Extender be allowed for speedruns?

  • Yes: 23 to No: 3

2.2 Which categories should it be allowed for?

  • In accordance with the majority votes, the LE will be allowed in all categories.

2.3 *If the load ex

1 year ago
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