I was looking over the Rank Analysis again and noticed that it mentions that fighting Mendez resets the rank along with a couple of other bosses. So all the damage we take on the lift only effects the Mendez fight, right?
Ok that makes sense. Also in Alan's Segmented NG+ GC NTSC run he doesn't take any damage in the Water room but still was able to kill the red zealot in 3-2 and I can't figure out why. Every run I've done I usually have to heal at least 2 full time in there to get the DA to the right spot for me.
His 3-1 His 3-2
based on all the signs of high DA in seg runs it's safe to say the only thing the game ever resets is full health at 3-4 end
The DA resets after Salazar. Maybe a couple other places, but Salazar I know for a fact off the top of my head.
On gamecube it isn't at the disc change, it's directly after you leave the Salazar room. It makes no sense.
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