Lap skip glitch?
8 years ago
United Kingdom

Can someone explain how the lap glitch works? I was watching WR and in the first race he kept turning the camera back around whilst reversing?

Connecticut, USA

To perform the lap glitch on a race, you must go backwards until a certain point. This point can be very far from the finish line or very close. It can be very precise or very forgiving. Anyways, in order to go back a long distance, you must reverse and stop, then reverse and stop, and repeat until you get to the point were the lap glitch will work. You must stop by a certain time, otherwise the fact you are going the wrong way will respawn you too early, so you stop to prevent being respawned.

As for the "turning the camera" thing you mention, that (at least on GCN, but I believe on most, if not all versions) is automatic, not manual. There is a separate camera "mode" for going forward (camera is behind you) and going backward (camera is in front of you). When I was reversing, the camera switched to "going backward" mode. When I came to a stop, the game (I guess) believes I am going forward (or am planning on going forward) so the camera switches to "going forward" mode.

If you (or anyone for that matter) has any more questions pertaining to the lap glitches, ask them here and I'll answer them when I can.

Texas, USA

Hi, I just want to ask if it's possible to perform these glitches on the Wii version?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Galicia, Spain

Razor did his runs on GC and me on PC, I haven't done any testing on Wii, but base on this I guess there aren't differences between versions

Texas, USA

Okay, thank you. I can try it out myself and see.

Texas, USA

Mmm... nope. I tried. I even posted a video to my YouTube account. Lap glitches aren't possible on the Wii version. It just re spawned me past the finish line while still in fifth place

Connecticut, USA

is it unlisted because i don't see it under the "Videos" list on the Youtube channel you provide on your SRC info, which i assume is the youtube account you are referencing. Mind posting a link to the video here?


It's normal. They surely corrected this. The X360 and Wii version were developed after the PC, Mac, GameCube, PS2, Xbox version. It's a little different. Maybe we will create a game separately.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Texas, USA

No, I can just do glitchless Any %. It's alright. Also, are you looking at the right channel? I have two: my old one and my new one that uses my profile picture here as my profile picture there as well. It is a public video.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Connecticut, USA

i just went to the one you have on your SRC account. if that's not the one you use, then you should change that asap.

Connecticut, USA

ok, i found it. and i think it's like dreamseeker said in the comments on the video: you may have not gone far enough back. but it's still possible they fixed it or changed something that made them not work on the Wii

Texas, USA

Oh, you weren't looking on YouTube then? I'm sorry, I need to get one then. As for going back far enough, the guide says that you go to the Cozy Cone Sign on the first lap, right? I mean maybe I didn't go far back enough. I'll try it again another time, though. I have to go to bed since tomorrow I go back to school.

Connecticut, USA

i think I put the Cozy Cone sign because it worked a few times during my testing (on Gamecube), so i figured I'd put that as the reference point, but I think a safer and like more reliable (if it works at all on Wii) would be past the second set of cones. I updated the guide a few moments ago to say that instead.


The game is at 5.49 on steam. You can get it. If you don't buy now, it will be at 21.99


No sorry. The price is no long available. It's 21.99$ now. But you can get it on

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Texas, USA

I'm alright with glitchless runs. I think it will be better anyway. But I'll still try one more time.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Texas, USA

Hey guys! It DOES work on the Wii version! Check out my YouTube channel! I just uploaded me trying out the easiest one, being Radiator Cap Circuit, and it worked! Now I just need practice on the other ones... EDIT: Actually, I just noticed when I tried it again that the lap didn't go up, so I guess it actually is impossible? Maybe I should try to go further back on this course as well?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
DrSeek likes this
Connecticut, USA

now, that one should have worked, so i think that shows that they patched the lap glitch out of at least the Wii version (and likely the 360 release also), either directly or indirectly. you can try doing other tracks and other distances to see if something else works, but at the very least, i think the lap glitch will not work with the same landmarks on Wii/360 as it does on the other versions

Jak8 and DrSeek like this
Texas, USA

Alright, I will try later. I will try the distance you said to do on Radiator Springs Grand Prix.

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