Any% ACE
5 years ago
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Hey guys, does anyone know how Global Trance made his splits, I´m using the autosplitter in LiveSplit for the Credits Warp (Chest) but it doesnt stop the timer and split when I reach the chest and the credits start, so does someone know where I can get autosplits for Any% ACE?

If I make my own splits, do I always have to manually push the hotkey for the next split, when I reach my split points? Or when I´ve once done it, it automatically splits at those points when I am faster, or slower?

Bretagne, France

Judging by his video, he used Wsplit and used to split manually. His sword split is a few frames early.

There's an autosplitter available on livesplit, but I'm not sure if it works with any% splits.

I'm pretty sue most people I've seen running any% used to split manually to be honest.

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Okay, thank you very much!

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

What is Wsplit, is it another splitting program?

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

The thing is, in the autosplitter settings there is a split for the Chest Warp, but it doesn´t work for me, it doesnt stop the timer when I hit that chest and finish the game and I don´t get why


Did you enable the "Miscellaneous" toggle there as well as "Credits Warp"? You'll need both of those, as well as "Split" at the top.


@Samsoroth - welcome :D

What Emulator did you use? All allowed emulators should be properly supported by autosplitter. I'd recommend using LiveSplit, I guess WSplit doesn't work at all with autosplitter.

I'd also recommend joining our Discord and maybe contacting @Spiraster about this issue. He's the creator of this awesome tool and might be interested, if there's a bug.

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

I am using BGB

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