Special Stage Clip
7 years ago

Hey hello everyone, i wonder if someone know how to do that glitch ? I know it's something like almost frameperfect, but even if it's frameperfect if i knew how to do it i would try every time

Have a good day

brad_86 likes this
Buckinghamshire, England

im gonna try and make a tas soon that includes the glitch x3 and a clip on sleeping egg boss. in 1 run

Buckinghamshire, England

how to do it. i dont know but i hope i can learn by trying different things


Any progress or information at all?

I recently ran into (I hope we are talking about the same glitch) this thing, where I would skip the entire special stage, but wasn't sure... I thought I must have been tired xD


Nothing new sadly :/


Good news: I found out under which condition the special stage is skipped!

Bad news: It's basically RNG :(

There is a timer variable @12C2, which is incremented every frame and reset to 0, after it's value has been 59 for the last frame. It is involved in calculating the ingame time (upper left corner). If you trigger the special stage at exactly the frame, where the value is 59, the special stage is skipped. This is at least the one way, i got the glitch. So basically you have a 1/60 chance to trigger the glitch for each special stage and a 1/216000 chance to trigger it 3 times in a run, if you don't actually try to trigger it. Theoretically it is timeable, but you have to hit a 16ms frame window, for when you trigger the special stage, which in turn depends on your position, speed and ingame timer. However, this can be used in a TAS quite easy!

EDIT: Note, that there may be more than one way to trigger this glitch!

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Buckinghamshire, England

have you had any luck running the speedrun on original hardware. for example an english sega master system locked at 50fps. from what i remember as a child tails never crashed the game its only on an emulator ive seen it and at 60/50fps. Ive ordered a NTSC genesis from someone in the community but im also equally interested in running on a 50hz machine for "science" :)


I checked setting the emulator to PAL and running at 50 fps... the counter still counts up to 59 and everything is behaving exactly the same way. I haven't tested anything on actual SMS hardware.

I am not sure what you mean by "crashed the game", but tails has no bonus stages as far as I know, which would explain why you never see a special stage glitch with tails.


The game crash sometimes when you play as Tails, the crashes are totally random

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