Other Misc. Runs
3 years ago
Texas, USA

With the success of Kraken% I want to propose a extension to the misc. category and include other side quest bosses. In wizard city, if you don't count colossus boulevard, there are 6 side quest bosses.

  1. Lady Blackhope
  2. Eyus Maximus
  3. Sgt. Skullplitter
  4. Wormguts
  5. Melweena Smite
  6. Kraken

I think it could be a good edition to the misc. category to include all these bosses as another level of achievement. We could even cap it off and do a full side quest boss run where we run all the side quest bosses in this list. I know its like 6 more things to add but could be the start to a good misc. category in my eyes.

Also, these bosses are the ones I know of pre WC change. I am not sure if more side bosses have been removed or added. For example, I know the fairy queen in UW is not in the game anymore.

Thats all! Let me know what you think.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Before adding Kraken% onto the leaderboards, we were skeptical because without knowledge of the route, it sounded like a rerouted Harvest Lord%. As we tested the potential category, we soon realized how unique it could be--storm isn't viable and the category skips over defeating Judd. After Kraken% got added, the categories you have listed seem very much more possible as categories to be ran in the speedrunning community. Sadly, the hesitation to add those categories comes with the current community size. I believe VGP, Malamber, and I are worried about overflowing the leaderboards with categories that don't get the deserved attention they need. For now, I think adding one or two other miscellaneous categories would be a good idea just to have more variety. It would be nice to have them accessible for all players (free areas) and some famous/unique qualities.

The category that I believe should be added at this time is Lady Blackhope%. After running it earlier, I can conclude that it's amazing. The run is significantly shorter than Unicorn Way% (4 minutes) and only has 5 battles (Souls, Pirates, and Lady Blackhope). This means that we will likely finally have a category that becomes EVEN MORE OPTIMIZED than Unicorn Way. On top of this, Lady Blackhope is one of the most famous side-bosses in Wizard101--maybe not as much as the Kraken, but close!

Please consider adding Lady Blackhope% to the miscellaneous tab! Thanks!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
it8fun and ColePerSeccnd like this

Here's the run: Took a few attempts to learn everything, but I think it came out alright.

Texas, USA

That maeks sense! I wasn't meaning to add all those right now as I am also aware that adding that many at this time would be overkill. It was mainly a thought I had and just wanted it to get on others minds as a possibility in the future.

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