Small frames for the arrows in High Stakes, Low Rider
4 years ago

Restart your computer. Yes, really. The game uses system uptime to calculate the arrow position, and with high system uptimes the precision of the floating point value is reduced which makes these "laggy arrows".

Nasho likes this

Thank you for try, but still works low frames...

East Riding of Yorkshire, England

Then you didn't do as Powdinet said.

Turning off your PC and turning it back on =/= restarting your PC. You need to specifically restart the system, or nothing will change.

Ohio, USA

To verify what eBen said above (assuming you are on windows), you can open task manager and look at the performance tab to see uptime. I didn't believe this at first either but you can clearly see when you shut down and turn back on, the uptime is still at the same value. You seriously need to click on "RESTART".


''when you shut down and turn back on, the uptime is still at the same value'' The more you know...


To explain what is happening with uptime: Since Windows 8, Window systems have a hybrid shutdown/hibernation system which is used as default when you shutdown. This system exists to speed up your computer's startup time significantly. It is possible to tell it to do a full shutdown, but it requires looking at some settings I forgot so the easiest solution is to just restart.


Yeah, that's realy works. Thank you all

DiskoSpider likes this
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