New categories for game remake?
6 months ago

Turns out there was a remake of our game:

It also has multiple difficulty levels - meaning a lot of categories. Would we want to add it somewhere?

I've been mulling over the idea of timing the remake against the ZX Speccy version with a small hope that they may be comparable, but never quite got around to doing that.

So yeah, I guess I'll just add a separate category for the remake with different difficulties as variables.

Added the 'PC Remake' category. Knock yourselves out and good luck on the runs, lads!

Decided against adding subcategories for difficulties, seeing that the only thing that separates those is you being able to save or not.

It looks like the remake also has multiple campaigns/playing modes - at screenshots, i can see "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (the recreation of old campaign) and "The New Secret of Pinocchio" (the new campaign).

Maybe, we should make each campaign/playing mode a separate subcategory.

I'd guess the new campaign should get an entirely new entry on SRC, seeing as it's more or less a proper sequel. We could probably request those be unified under a Pinocchio/Buratino series to make it easier for people to find the proper game entry for their speedruns.

Requesting a new game entry on SRC would require a speedrun video, and I'll probably do a speedrun of the sequel in a couple of weeks after I'm done with stuff - so if no one comes forth with one before then, I'll request the game entry for the sequel myself.

Idea is pretty good. However, i was thinking about making 2 separate sub-categories for reasons.

It's more simple to do it in sub-categories - as it doesn't require a speedrun video and requesting.

Besides, the sequel seems to be not popular - meaning, does it even deserve a separate page (and not just a sub-categories)?

But Pinocchio/Buratino series is a good idea.

Edited by the author 6 months ago

Yeah, it definitely would be easier and quicker to just create a category for the sequel. But I can kind of see how that would hurt the visibility of the game even more (seeing that e.g. future players wouldn't be able to find the game on SRC by searching for the respective game name, and wouldn't know where to submit speedruns). And I don't quite mind speedrunning the sequel myself, heh. ;j

What about a mixed varians? We first make 2 subcategories there, as i imagined, and then we request the game sequel page. After the game sequel page is made, we then re-shuffle and change categories again.

I'll give it a thought. Intuitively, this feels like it could add more problems down the line instead of solving them. E.g. if anyone were to submit a run into this new category, transferring the run to a new entry afterwards would be a nightmare, and deleting the run here to re-submit it under a new entry would defeat the whole purpose of having this category in the first place. I'd just go with the new entry without any stop-gap measures.

Man, 2 months have passed, and still no new entry about PC remake. Perhaps, you should indeed make a new remake campaign categories in the old game page? Each difficulty would be it's separate sub-category.

Yeah, I guess I'll do just that. Might as well deal with the runs and create a new entry when we get to that bridge.

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Posted 4 months ago
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