Should emulation be allowed?
2 years ago
Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Personally I don't like it as someone can use TAS tools or cheat and as such could cheat top times. However in light of Soulcalibur being removed from the Xbox Marketplace with Soulcalibur II HD. The only way to play is if you have the game still on Xbox 360/Xbox One or get the Dreamcast version.

So to encourage people to continue running the game I thought of putting up a poll to see what your thoughts are. Will be up until September 2nd. So share with others and I will post this in the Soulcalibur discord.

United States

Yes it should be. The only other way to play the game is to purchase original hardware and that is getting harder to do as time progresses. Please consider this

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