Red Herring Magazine
3 years ago
United States

I need your guys' help. It turns out the last item I am missing for the 100% speedruns is the Red Herring Magazine. Now I have been searching and searching but I can't seem to find it. Has anyone had any luck? This is what it looks like.

I also found this stating that it is in trinity boulevard.

However, like I said, I simply cannot find it.

Kent, England

I've found only one other reference to this item searching round and it came up with this quote:

"The team at Explosm even go as far as to toss in a funny “Red Herring Magazine” easter egg for people that really click on everything they see."

So I'm assuming you get it after literally interacting with everything in every way. If not, then there might be some other thing to it.

I don't think Trinity Boulevard is really too relevant in this case though, as I tried going around and interacting with everything there to see if it'd pop.

Kent, England

I've just found out it's actually located in Circle J, in the Magazine Rack. it just blends in quite a bit with the scenery and the rack.

KlawSin likes this
United States

That's great! Idk why the files say Trinity Blvd if it's in circle j, that's pretty frustrating, but thank you so much for the help! Now we can finally get a legit 100% run

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Autosplitter now functional again

Hi everyone,

Good news! I've managed to fix the autosplitter so it now works like it used to. Seems some previous game updates might have broken it before.

It' available to use now on Livesplit if you go to Edit Splits, and I've uploaded the files needed for it to work on the resources tab.


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