100% category
4 years ago
Alaska, USA

So I want to start running a new category. I am going to do it no matter what, but whether or not it gets put on the leaderboards is up to the mods. I would love any feedback I can get.

The goal of the run would be to get the final cutscene to play featuring Darth Vader, after beating tournament mode as Darth Vader, but without using any cheat codes, and from a fresh save file.

This means that in one run, you would have to unlock every racer in the game, thus representing a 100% completion. This would require playing through the tournament a minimum of 4 times. The first would be as any racer available on a fresh save. The second would be as sebulba to unlock the episode 1 version of sebulba. The third would be with either Watto, Anakin (episode 1), or Darth Maul. The last would be with Darth Vader.

After completing the tournament as Sebulba, you would need to set every first place record on every track in all 3 categories. You could use any racer available to you, and you could use whichever modes you wanted, as long as you never enter a cheat code, and your name appeared as the record holder. As long as the game is not modified in any way, however you set these records is fair game, including versus mode (I forget if you can set records in versus mode, but it might make getting K.O.s easier).

The timer would begin when you press start, and it would end when the Darth Vader cutscenes plays, and Dax Gazaway says the line "It's official".

This would be at minimum, around a four hour run, and that's if you are able to set every record during your first two tournament runs. It could conceivably be way longer. The way I plan to run it will leave plenty of room for optimization, but since there is no 100% record on the board, I would like to put one there.

This can not all be done in one sitting. Maybe someone could do it, but I cannot. Therefore, breaks would be permitted in the category. The timer could only be suspended on the title screen, while no inputs are being selected, and the runner called for a break. The runner would then turn off the game, and the timer would resume the next time they pressed start.

TeddyCreekwater and A_J_P72 like this
Massachusetts, USA

I really like the idea and would enjoy doing a run of this magnitude, as you said it would take a lot to optimize and would be quite luck and skill based. But all in all I support it becoming a category and hope it can become one.

Massachusetts, USA

I also think this can be done in one sitting, I would be very happy to try it

Alaska, USA

It occurs to me that a true 100% run would need to include getting a gold medal for every race on every character. This would give you more time to work records into your tournament runs, but would definitely make the run into a marathon.

The run as I have described it, I have decided to call Vader%. There's no real reason you should have to complete the tournament as Vader if you don't do it for every character, if we are simply considering unlocking every character to represent 100%. Therefore if this was a 100% run, you would either stop the clock as soon as you got Vader, or run the tournament as every character to get all golds across the board.

I personally don't like either proposition, and I'm making up my own rules anyway, so Vader% it is.

Getting golds on every character without cheats should be the 100% category though. I'm not sure anyone would run it, but it makes sense to me. I also want to try Vader% in Hard Mode, and with Advanced Controls. My first Vader% run should be up soon. I will need to add in a livesplit timer in post, since I stream directly from ps4 and don't have a PC that can handle remote play. I have also decided, since I want to leave room for optimization in my first run anyway, that if I take a break it will be part of the run time. If I want to optimize beyond that, I will have to do it without a break.

This is an extremely niche category. Considering that it might not be put on the leaderboards, please post your times in this thread if you attempt it, that way I am not claiming a WR if someone has a better time. The mods for this game also can take a minute to respond to stuff. No shade, I love you mods, it is just a fact.

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