Category Requests
5 years ago

Any Categories that are wanted can be requested in this thread. Please explain how you want the timing to work and anything else that would be useful info for the rules of the category.

We are not doing any high score categories as those will be on CyberScore. (

DemataPyro likes this

Skateboarding and Fencing are now up.

DemataPyro likes this
United Kingdom

there should be a judo for fastest game time starts when he says hajime and ends when he says ippon or any other text run here

Edited by the author 5 years ago
DemataPyro likes this

1964 Judo is now up

DemataPyro likes this
Berlin, Germany

river boat ride and other timebased minigames would be pretty nice.


Boxing and Karate have been added. Difficulty levels have been added for Karate, Boxing, Fencing, and Judo.


1964 Judo has had rules updated for timing as I found a method for timing that works better. Minigames from story mode are slowly getting added. You can find them under Misc. in Full Game.

United States

Why not have one for 100m run on 1964 and 2020. Using the in game timer. Lowest time.


@MMXXV there already is 100m for both 1964 and 2020 under Individual Levels

Berlin, Germany

kabukiza clash ? :3 would totally grind that ^^


all the story mode minigame events are slowly being added

neewx likes this
United Kingdom

the 100m 1964 is to good but it is kinda sketchy


If you're talking about the 8.781 it is impressive but reasonable especially comparing to online rankings.

If I added Gold Medal categories for all events, 2020, 1964, and dream would anyone ever run them or is it not worth my time to set them up. I could also just set up all events only or whatever is wanted.

Admiralfunk likes this
South Korea

where can I upload shibuya scramble search record

United Kingdom



@thebluemania shubuya scramble search is not up yet but should be soon.


All of the story mode minigames that are suitable to run are up. If any changes need to be made to rules for them or any need to be added/removed just let me know either here or on discord.


When i look the leaderboard i think is looks perfect

DemataPyro likes this

@DemataPyro Out of the list of events you gave I only see surfing and sport climbing being suitable for running, the other events are too limited in terms of areas of time save. I won't add those events yet as those types of ILs currently have like 1 and occasionally 2 people on the leaderboard, if more people played those events I'd add further consideration to adding more events similar. Until these events get higher demand they will be left out.

DemataPyro likes this
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