Speedrunner noob needs help
8 years ago

I've never done a speedrun officially before, so I would like to know what is a no and a yes in speedrunning

the game I want to speedrun is SpongeBob SquarePants The Movie Game on Xbox

but I am doing some things like installing the game to my modded Xbox which cuts load times down to about 3 seconds

and I'm also using a small camera fix that zooms the camera out very slightly in the Xbox port as this port uses vertical stretching to simulate widescreen and it's very nauseating to play without this fix, it modifies nothing else in the game but zooming the camera out slightly, it offers no advantage to gameplay minus a very slightly wider FOV but other than that it modifies nothing else

so in essense I would like some opinions on if this is legal in speedrunning, personally I think it's completely fine as it doesn't affect gameplay in any way, it just fixes an annoying problem with the port

if I can't use these techniques I can play the game straight off disc, although it will be off a burnt DVD-R as the only copy I own is PAL-50hz

United States


Depends on the community, but you'll get better answers just asking right in their forums or messaging a moderator. Though, what I'll guess is that having a modded X-Box that cuts load times wouldn't be looked at too well. It'd give you a distinct advantage over other players, assuming they use RTA (Real-Time-Attack) and count the load screens. But just ask around there, it looks like there's a decent number of runners.


Then in that case I'm ready to play, I just need to steal my brother's old PVR xD


That's fine, I'm using Windows 7 64-Bit