NivelPrimer lugar
Level 0
Habitable Zone
The Hub
Pipe Dreams
Electrical Station
Abandoned Office
Terror Hotel
Level Fun
The Poolrooms
Run for your life!
The End
Level 9223372036854775807
Level 94
Lights Out
Cave System
Water Damage
Darkened Suburbs
Field of Wheat
The Arcade
Danger Zone
Hotel Chase
Courtyard of Windows
Expanded Poolrooms
Level Fun+
Level 52
Level 55.1
Esta vista solo considera subcategorías que se aplican a todos los niveles. Hay 37 subcategorías específicas de nivel adicionales que se aplican. Puedes encontrar más información haciendo clic en un nivel.
Estadísticas del juego
Últimas noticias
No Major Glitches rules revamp

No Major Glitches rules were updated to include all disallowed glitches instead of all allowed glitches. Hopefully that makes this category less confusing. Also running with TVs in Level 188 Expanded is allowed with these new rules.

4 months ago
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Publicado 1 month ago
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Publicado 1 month ago
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Publicado 2 months ago
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Publicado 3 months ago
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Publicado 3 months ago
3 respuestas