7 years ago

Pourquoi une run que j'ai poster il y a 1 semaine n'est pas vérifié alors que un autre en a mis une cette âpreme elle a êtes vérifié ? ?

Missouri, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Mods will verify your run when the have the time to.

Les mods vérifieront votre course quand ils auront le temps de.

R0main likes this

Sa fait 1 semaine que je les soumise et une run soumise hier âpreme à déjà êtes vérifié me dit pas que c'est car il on pas le temps surtout avec 8 modérateur en 3 jours il y en a forcément 1 qui c'est connecter


Ou alors il ont cas rajouter des modo plus actif

Pays de la Loire, France

Make a mod request if you want to be a mod to verify your runs lel.

Pays de la Loire, France

And speak english in the forums. Use Google Traduction if you have problems with English.


Gabbii please why are you acting so upset to the mods? I don't think they will want to verify your run that badly if so, if you don't even take the effort to speak english than: A/ some of the mods might not understand you and you now that B/ it doesn't testify of a lot of respect torwards the mods and the community to behave this angry and speak French ITS JUST A GAME WHY YOU HAVE TO BE MAD

Jerome and R0main like this
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New restart mod for singlestar runs!

Hey SMG2 runners! After testing/confirming that Evanbowl's restart mod does not affect cycles or the in-game timer (thank you Shadow64), we're happy to announce that it will be allowed for single star runs ONLY. This will not be allowed for world RTA, all stars, normal stars, or green star runs. Add

17 days ago
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