Range Challenge Categories
3 years ago
Czech Republic


recently, Wolfire came out with a banging new update which I was fortunate to betatest:

This update features a shooting range and a challenge dome containing a variety of drills and timed sequences. The game records players' score and time for each gun separately on a milisecond scale.

On the official Wolfire Discord, there already is a channel for uploading videos of records for these drills and a fellow Discordian is already maintaining a spreadsheet of fastest times with videos provided. Here's an example of my own record with the Colt Single Action Army: https://streamable.com/6sso0f

I think it would be awesome to see new categories reflecting this new functionality established on speedrun.com as well!

PlasmaMan and MozCymru like this

I'm obviously very biased, but I'd love to see this too!

United States

I've got to come out in support of getting some more categories up here for the shooting range. It's been great on the Discord but there are limits to using a spreadsheet rather than a dedicated website.

Florida, USA

There should be some category updates coming relatively soon, if not within the next few days. I've had to rely on other people keeping me in the loop about this kind of thing due to life keeping me busy, and my focus kind of scattered.

Czech Republic

Meanwhile, I did some chatting over on the Discord this site links to, specifically about what challenges to put in and which ones not, here's what me and Miss Squigglykitty could agree on:

Dome challenges are pretty clear cut, maybe some redundancy between Easy and Hard Turret Shooting and Bowling is pretty bad, but that's straightforward.

Shooting Range is a bit of an issue. They're all score-based, and the 10-shot category is basically capped at 100 points. Multidistance should definitely be there, but the others should probly only have one distance officiated, I'd say 15 meters. As for the 10-shot, I had two ideas: Either require a perfect score and time getting that perfect score, or allow any run, but weigh the time of the run with the inverse score percentage relative to max.

Lastly, I was going to reach out in DMs, but since I only just made this acc, it's blocked. I would like to say I would be happy to help in moderating/verifying the scoreboard as I have taken the initiative with maintaining the record spreadsheet we run on the official Wolfire Discord as well.

PlasmaMan likes this
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