What We Do With Time Acceleration?
6 years ago
Wielkopolskie, Poland

How It Looks Like Like For Reference -> https://www.speedrun.com/armacoldwar/individual_levels

Post Made By Our Moderator For General Feedback From Outside People -> https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/9ert4g/rule_poll_for_the_fps_game_series_arma/

Poll -> https://www.strawpoll.me/16435861

Hope For Feedback And Polite Discussion Regarding This Topic!

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I personally don't like Time Acceleration, but I don't think we should throw it in the bin either, best course of action from my POV would be to put it in a misc category called "Any% Time Acceleration Enabled" or something like that to seperate it from the non TA runs. But that's just my opinion, we should probably try to get into contact with the other runners to see their POV.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Well I can only talk about myself here, but TA makes ArmA more boring for me, since I enjoy the downtime between Objectives and with TA you just turn it into some fast paced mess that I wouldn't call ArmA anymore.

Wielkopolskie, Poland

I Like Time Acceleration But I Also Love Normal Gameplay. We Consider Time Acceleration Because It Is Implemented By Developers In Options And For Many Can Be The Ticket For Choosing Arma Games As SpeedRun Object. I Understand Both Sides I Would Like To Get To The Balance Between This Two Options. The Easiest Thing To Reject Is Harder To Adapt.

My Solutions Is Making Two Categories (Now Time Acceleration Is Only A Filter) For Runs With Our Without Time Acceleration Which Would Compete In The Own Rankings Soo The Runs Without Time Acceleration Are Not Punished And People Can Still Do The Runs With Time Acceleration.

Other Solution Is Leaderboard Remains As It Is Right Now...

I Am Waiting For Further Feedback! Thanks @Punished_Alexander For Response.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I like the your plan with the two categories @23Banzaj that way it's a win-win for everyone. Also like I said @Tanya I like the slower pace ArmA games have, in my opinion that's what makes ArmA different from other faster games like BF and CoD.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

How is splitting the categories making the game more dead? If you split it you make the game more fair for people who don't like TA like me but you also give people a new more challenging cat to run which is probably going to work out better in the long run.


@23Banzaj I like that you (probably) made that button ontop of the runs to split the TA enabled and disabled runs, that way it's easy to access and nobody gets memed on for not using it. Good work!

Wielkopolskie, Poland

Thanks, We Chose The Option That Won In Poll, Also I Thank You All For Voting. Thank You @Tanya For Bringing Time Acceleration To The Light. I Hope That Together As A Community We Will Bring More Life To This Game. Have A Good Day.

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Hi there!

I'm Dan, frequent speedrunners of this game won't have heard of me because I've only done a couple of Arma runs before ':D, if you're on the Discord server, you'll likely know that 23Banzaj is resigning from (most if not all of) their sr.c mod positions, and I've offered to take up Arma 3

1 year ago