Rules for Mods?
9 months ago
United States

I saw in the rules section that changes to code were not allowed, are mods that change skins allowed? or what about voiceline mods that change the intro talking?

i just wanna know if these are allowed or not so i dont submit a run only for it to be denied due to a skin mod.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

No mods are allowed, including skins or voice @Ryhm

Edited by the author 9 months ago
United States

Thanks for the clarification!

United States

But I've seen runs that have modded skins, I thought it was fine because of that. I don't think a run should be invalidated because of cosmetics that don't affect gameplay whatsoever.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Color/skin variants that are official are fine. But any unofficial mods for voice/skins are not allowed. If there are some runs that were previously verified which used any official mods of any kind, they will be reverted/rejected. @renkai_KIT.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Color/skin variants that are official are fine. But any unofficial mods for voice/skins are not allowed. If there are some runs that were previously verified which used any official mods of any kind, they will be reverted/rejected. @renkai_KIT.

United States

Not to be a snitch (immediately snitches), but Rayn's Elphelt run uses a modded Pyra Xenoblade color. It's a great run and I feel like more leniency should be given in terms of this. Unofficial colors/outfits don't affect the gameplay (again it's purely cosmetic) in any way mentioned in the rules. It's not a cheat, it doesn't remove anything from the game, there's nothing involving auto-fire/macros/turbo mode, no code is changed in the game and it does not require external programs to use a mod. You just drop the pak/sig file in the game folder. I've made color mods and model mods for Strive, I know how this works.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

In this case, then it will be reverted/rejected. Mods/colors/any variants that are unofficial are not allowed. @renkai_KIT.

United States

Is this a global rule for this speedrun site? Or just for Strive?

Los Angeles, CA, USA

It depends on the game, the modification, and what it is being used for. In the case of Strive, this is NOT allowed.

United States

Then make that clear in the rules because as of now, it doesn't say that. And based on that, I don't think Rayn's run should have been rejected because by technicality it was following the rules until this point (if you decide to update them now).

Los Angeles, CA, USA

I am updating it now.

United States

And what of Rayn's run since it was submitted before this update to the rules?

Los Angeles, CA, USA

It was rejected. I have updated the rules for clarification.

United States

But it was following the rules before the update. I just have to question the validity of this verification process if you can just reject them based on rules only you were aware of.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

The rules state that no modifications are allowed so everyone who submit runs should be aware, including me. The problem is I was unaware that Rayn was using an unofficial color mod. Now that was brought to light, I rejected the run.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Any software that is unofficial should not/will not be permitted for official runs.

United States

The problem is that the rules did not say that at the time of Rayn submitting his run. Rayn likely thought his mod was okay because of that. Now everyone will be aware because you have updated it, but until this thread, you were seemingly the only person in the know. The fact that this thread exists already shows that it wasn't clarified in the official rules. The run should not have been rejected because the rules did not state at the time of submission that modifications are not allowed. It followed the existing rules that were in place before today.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

The rules DID state that no software/external programs are not allowed. A external program is used to create the color mods, right? So that is automatically not allowed. Now I have clarified what that means, including mods that use external software or anything that changes the game's code, which the unofficial color variants have done. I have already addressed/clarified this. I am done arguing with you about this.

United States

Using an external program to create a mod (you put the texture file in unreal engine and it outputs a file) is not the same as using an external program to run the game or having one run alongside the game which neither is true for guilty gear strive color mods. You do not need an external program to make a mod work in the game. By your logic, the entirety of Strive is moot because it was made in Unreal. Creation does not equal the usage/existence. Second, I already told you, colors mods do not change the games code, it is cosmetic only. If they changed the game's code, people would not be able to use them online as it would cause de-sync. Color variants go over existing textures, but do not remove them and do not involve the game's code (bbscript). You do not change anything with the game itself to use a color mod. You don't understand what you are talking about and it shows.

You made a mistake and are unwilling to own up to it and going further trying to explain things you don't know about.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
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