FFVii speedrun question
8 years ago
Päijät-Häme, Finland

Im just starting to get into speedruns, but i might want to stream it at some point. So what platform do you guys use to speedrun? Is it just regular PS2 or are you guys using somekind of emulator? Im pretty clueless about some emulators on pc so i dont have any. And What do i need if i start streaming from PS2? As i said im pretty darn clueless (im sorry xD )


Hi Labtez!

I'm also new to the FF7 Speedrun community, I've only ran the game using the Steam Version.

As for emulators I'm unsure which emulators people are using to run the game (if any) I'm sure somebody can point you in the right direction as to which emulator you can use to run and to practice with!

Good luck with the practice :)

Päijät-Häme, Finland

Thanks :) I'm practicing on my PS2, but was just wondering about that emulator thing, cause it looks like some speedrunners have much more quicker loading time on screen than i have xD And i was planning at some point (when im a lot better at speedrunning :D ) i would start streaming my runs. I'm new to streaming too but would like to know what do you need to have, if i start streaming from my PS2


As far as I'm aware the runners who run on PS2 change their disc speed to the fastest setting. Cereth talks about it slightly in this thread - http://www.speedrun.com/ff7/thread/fnpnu

To stream with your PS2 you'll need a capture card I couldn't recommend any to you as I've never owned one but I believe there's plenty to choose from.

Hopefully somebody replies to you in the forum, if not and you have Discord you can always ask in the Final Fantasy Discord Groups - FF7 Discord - https://discord.gg/5HQ7P & Final Fantasy Speedruns Discord https://discord.gg/EJzKU

São Paulo, Brazil

for 100%, aeris need all the limits too!?

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