All 25 tournament #1
4 years ago

Here is the definitive upload of the All 25 tournament held 30th July 2020

SpaceDoge likes this
Georgia, USA

any more tournaments coming soon?

SpaceDoge likes this

Yes, right now there is a poll deciding on if the next tournament will be Peaceful 252 or Wall High Score. Perhaps Peaceful will win.

SpaceDoge likes this
Georgia, USA

Can i vote for it?

SpaceDoge likes this
Hawaii, USA

It's too late. Peaceful 252 won 4-3

Georgia, USA

Nice, has a date and time been posted, and can anyone join?

SpaceDoge likes this
Hawaii, USA

The date has not been set yet, but it is planned to be some day near Wednesday

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Ezakt, you should join the discord

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