Advancement ILs?
4 years ago

What if there were ILs for the advancements? They would be nice easy and short categories for beginners (such as myself).

itsryan212 likes this

It would be great if you gave me a nore descriptive answer than just "no".

itsryan212 likes this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

ok then... "no, no."


no, no no no no-no, no.


But seriously, what do people think of the idea? What are the problems with it?

United States

Some of the advancements are already in the category extensions like the hidden ones: arbalistic and how did we get here?. Maybe some other advancements might be good to route, but the majority are not. I think in the discord there is some category extensions extensions thing with some of the other advancements though.

itsryan212 likes this

I've seen the ones on the category extensions. I may have an idea though. What if the advancements were ILs on the category extensions board? Some of the category extensions are only a few seconds long anyway. The achievements could also have ILs.

United Kingdom

we already have horrible category extensions just add more or remove the bad ones

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