Let's get rid of 1CC
4 years ago
Jönköping, Sweden

This is an old relic used in the past, enforced by places like Twin Galaxies or SpeedDemosArchive. The modern world as it functions come speedrunning, is that every runner will have their own separate goals when it comes to speedruns.

Some of them will obviously attempt to 1CC as that's generally considered good and with minimal timeloss for the speedrun itself. Others however, will have a slightly less ambitious goal of just clearing the game and submitting a time, but not per se with 1CC in mind. Resulting in timeloss, but granted still a speedrun nonetheless..

1CC will only prevent this community growth and neglect runners of various different levels as the thought of attempting the game 1CC will effectively scare some individuals off.

I think it's for the this community's interest to get rid of it and broaden the acceptance of the general speedrunners capacity a bit wider.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

The stage 4 end-boss might benefit from repeated death/i-frame abuse. Perhaps some of the mid-bosses elsewhere could be sped up via i-frame abuse as well. I'm not sure, though: you'd need to do enough extra damage during i-frames to make up for the loss of damage from respawn.

In any case, thanks for posting this recommendation. Let's see if anyone else chimes in.

xenkaroshi likes this
Indiana, USA

I added a category for "anyCC" level 1 co-op since FelipeNascimento83 had a run to submit. If anyone wants to do runs for single player I can add another category at request.

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

i would like to do a single player anyCC on prototype mode. btw is prototype runs valid?

Indiana, USA

Wouldn't your ammo reset if you die? If that's the case it seems pointless to create an anyCC category for it. Maybe I don't understand how prototype works and what challenges that would create. Can you share a run to demonstrate?

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

good if you die on prototype you come back with 500 bullets, if you run out of ammo on a boss you can die recover ammo and kill him faster spamming special atack, my other question is if i can post prototype races on other leaderboards, i found prototype is a good way to do speedruns.

i will upload one run to show soon, i would like to do 1cc coop, anycc coop and double play on prototype, if has no problem to post on "normal" leaderboard its ok for me just wanted to know if its valid runs on prototype mode

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Indiana, USA

I've removed myself from moderator, I only became mod to get my own run verified. I don't know enough about the different modes to mod this. Best of luck to whoever decides to mod in the future.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Can someone add an Any% 1P category, not 1CC? I will be happy to submit a run for it! Also, if you need help with moderation, I'd be happy to help! @EndKHX

End_KHX and Ellimist like this
Hawaii, USA

Throwing in a vote for an Any% 1P category. It seems very silly to me to have an Any% 2P category without 1CC but not a 1P category.

bosscatFGC and End_KHX like this
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

agree, I will add

bosscatFGC likes this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Thank you so much @End_KHX and @Ellimist!😺I just submitted my run~

End_KHX likes this
New Jersey, USA

So looking at the board for this game as a newcomer im having trouble finding a category for the whole game. Am i missing something or is there a reason there isnt a full game run?

Edit: after watching some runs i think i see that level refers to difficulty and not just like an individual level run of a stage so im less confused now.

Edited by the author 2 months ago