Minimum Teleports?
3 years ago
United States

I was thinking a minimum teleports category for this game might be fun. Does anyone else like this idea?

United States

i agree or we could do minimum jumps or as someone else said in the discord minimum abilities

United States

either of those would work as well. I tried out min. teleports and its actually pretty challenging

United States

the min would be about 5-7 because you need two to tp through the wall on levels 4-5 but id wanna count it rn

United States

the min would be about 5-7 because you need two to tp through the wall on levels 4-5 but id wanna count it rn

United States

In total I think it would be 21-23 for the whole game, with an edge flame in 7


To me, it doesn't look like preventing teleports will change the game much. Levels 1,2,3,6,9,10 don't have teleports. Levels 4,5,8,11,12,13 remain almost the same, you just don't spam teleports like normally. Only in levels 7 and 14 the route will be notably changed.

What I counted: 4 - 1 teleport 5 - 3 teleports 7 - 1 teleport (you take double-jump first, take the left and bottom chests, then triple jump to the red potion and teleport right) 8 - 2 teleports, for the bottom bats only 11 - 3 teleports 12 - 2 teleports 13 - 5 teleports 14 - 2 teleports, one for taking the middle chest and one for getting out 15 - 2 teleports in the normal route. 1 teleport if you somehow manage to do the Facu strat in first try.

So it's a total of 21 teleports, with possible but very unlikely 20.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gaming_64 likes this

Level 5 is actually possible with just 2 teleports, at least for TAS, idk if humanly possible

Ok after some testing its not humanly possible

Edited by the author 3 years ago

How about an Abilty% we work out the least amount of times we need to activate an ablity in the run, not just teleporting

Tzvister likes this
United States

I agree that might be better since teleports aren't in every level


You are welcome to try and create a route for any "minimum something" run of the game that you want. Just because right now there are no extra categories, doesn't mean you can't discuss about that and run the game in whatever way you want.

That being said, I made a new version for the autosplitter yesterday, now potion double-jumps are separated from regular jumps, in the end screen stats.

Gaming_64 likes this

I have been having a little play around looking at the route. I am not the greatest player but this is what I have found at the moment concerning a possible Ability% run. it seems like it could be pretty reset heavy.

also not sure if the terms I have used make sense, I want to make a proof of concept video but I have yet to work out the lv 3 jump

lv1 - 0 uses, normal route lv2- 0 uses, long jump fire at bottom. safer if top chest is collected first since only one long jump is needed lv3 - 1 double jump - corner jump to top right chest. I have never actual landed the jump my self but I have seen it in some of the top runs lv4 - 1 tele -normal route lv5 - 3 tele -normal route, unless someone better than me can make the jump across the gap but it looks to big lv6 - 0 uses, corner jumps between fire and spikes back and forth lv7 - 1 tele - corner jump under spikes to teleport, drop down and collect left hand chest, edge fire jump to get out from middle chest lv8 - 2 tele - normal route lv9 - 3 fireball- normal route lv10 - 1 double jump 1 fireball- high jump over top bat lv11 - 3 tele 2 double jumps - normal route lv12 - 1 fire 1 double jump 2 tele normal route lv13 - 5 tele normal route lv14 - 2 fire 2 tele - I can jump over the right had bat to get to the chest but I am unable to get back. if someone better than me can make it another ability use could be cut lv15 - 2 tele 3 fire 1 double jump normal route

if anyone spots any improvements that would be great to know.


lvl 5 is possible with 2 teleports, but not humanly, or at least i've only been able to do it with TAS with a septuple jump.

We already found a route for 15 with 1 teleport at the start, it's used in the IL WR.

It might be possible to save an extra fireball at the end of 15 by going under the last bat, its not possible on its first cycle but maybe if you waited more to have it in the perfect position at a higher point and double jumped on the last possible frame, it would be possible, idk, but if that is possible it's still very unlikely a human would be able to do it.


I managed to make a TAS of level 15 with just 1 teleport, 2 fireballs and a double jump at the end, here is the code if you wanna see it: cAAAeJAACKpAoAJQQyAEiAoACACCAYhQNAZGguCJQwxA0QQAUA5BpRhEI6DC

If you don't know how to use the code, go to the TAS (add the word tas at the end of the autosplitter link), open the console and type coffee.load("cAAAeJAACKpAoAJQQyAEiAoACACCAYhQNAZGguCJQwxA0QQAUA5BpRhEI6DC"), then go back to the game and press P.

United States

I'm kinda confused on how to use your TAS code. Could you help?


For anyone else that wants to see the TAS but doesn't know how to use the code, here is a video with it

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