HEAVEN OR HELL! Guilty Gear X2 - The Midnight Carnival Leaderboard.
9 months ago
Kumamoto, Japan

The start of the X2 series, some crazy high damage in this game, along with the introduction of many tension, ik's and many things we would get used to calling normal for the guilty gear series.

Some small updates

  • Variables renamed to reflect both the PS2 and Arcade versions so there is no mistake on selecting.

  • Minor differences with some infinites and damage (slayer grab infinite) between the Arcade, which is why they are separated. The load time is slightly faster on the arcade as well in this release only.

  • No Instant Kill Challenge has not been added but can be if someone does a run first. Please see the rules over at https://www.speedrun.com/ggxxr Guilty Gear X2 follow up game #Reload for more details.

  • News made for the update.

  • Join the discord https://discord.gg/6Ay9bmb if you haven't already.

Post here if you had questions or comments. The discord is open to all to discuss and post content about the game as well.