general decision duping (ingame)
2 years ago

so what's your guys opinion about duping items / resources ingame (methods that require to leave the game mainmenu or intentional crashes are excluded)

please keep in mind that these methods are mostly version specific and could be patched out in future versions. also it would have major impact for the following runs:

  • extinction (corrupted hearts)
  • fjordur (runes)
  • every default run requiring farming (shot gun strats)

@FrostyGamingSnowman and i talked about it and we are both on the same side here -> it shouldn't be allowed as it would bypass major parts of specific runs

should it be allowed or not?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Victoria, Australia

my opinion is that we should allow it for any% as anything that is possible that the game allows should be allowed with no restrictions providing it does not involve third party programs.

however given that this would as you mention remove a large section of multiple runs there should be glitchless and any%.

the only other thing is whether or not we consider meshing a "glitch" because if we do almost every run completed would be in any%.

Victoria, Australia

oh and somethings like dino dropping can be done completely on accident i would personally consider it not a glitch and allow it in glitchless since some runs will just accidently do it anyway.

look that's exactly the problem with "glitchless", it's pretty self explanatory - the moment we allow meshing and dino dropping (intended or by accident) it's technically not "glitchless" anymore

also since duping would be a highly non intended method (when done ingame) it would be patched out by wildcard in future versions making it harder to verify and contest

Victoria, Australia

im just going to put this here, this is what Meerkat has to say about the patching of duping "@rossoserous reply to mav on forum that duping isnt going to be patched out because it is a fault of the game saving implementation by unreal engine and a bandaid fix isnt worthwhile for wc because it only affects singleplayer, where if a player decides to cheat its not going to be by crashing their game plus it being patched out doesnt matter with his ruleset of "current version or later", its not going to be unpatched, so once its observed to be patched, either a new strategy needs to be found or downpatching needs to be done to remain competitive (which he cant disallow because other highly affective glitches also get patched making competition impossible, eg cave dropping)"

so its unlikely they will patch it also considering it took them 6 years to patch the most basic stuff like artifacts spawning on time.

also with regard to having dino dropping in glitchless, if anyone walks in and out of a cave during a run they are going to trigger the dino drop if they have agroed any dinos in the cave. given the game is so poorly coded, i dont think as long as everyone agree's to it then a minor glitch that often occurs accidently and would ruin runs if it was banned should be allowed.

DontAtMe_rkat likes this

@rossoserous warning shot first and final: Meerkat is banned, if you allow him evading the ban by letting him talk through you, will have the same consequences!

and yes it would be patched out if a method affects multiplayer, the game crash methods are off the table.

no that's not how it works... you can't disallow glitches for a category and then accept accidental dino drops if you gain an advantage through them.

Victoria, Australia

bro all im saying is the dupe only works because the the terminal data is saved in a different spot so all we are doing in rolling back the save file by crashing it and then the terminal data stays up to date cause its saved elsewhere.

and **** off, I am going to continue to talk to the only person who is competent at this game and knows what they are doing. If you really think someone who is putting in twice the effort into his runs than anyone else has and is consistently trying to communicate runs strats and how and why the work should be banned you don' deserve to be a mod for this community

DontAtMe_rkat likes this
Victoria, Australia

oh and apparently removes self censored words so feel free to insert those your self whilst reading this.

DontAtMe_rkat likes this
Texas, USA

In my opinion if you have to rely on crashing files outside of the game to get these dupes then you are not playing the game. If there is a dupe method that does not require you to mess game files, aka going into the files on your desktop and messing with them, then I think it would be open to discussion for the any% then make the any% glitchless. I could be wrong, but from my understanding you must abuse files to do the method found and imo that is not playing the game.

DontAtMe_rkat likes this
Victoria, Australia

Frosty there is no editing files out side of the game for the dupe. EVERYthing I do/meekat (oooh scary name i cant mention pls dont ban me xd) is within the game application. all it does is change the INGAME settings to crash the game which rolls back the save file to when i last saved but because the ark data is saved in a different location it does not crash hence you get the dupe.

i will make a video on it if i have to prove it. no clue where this bullSh*t about editing game files came from.

DontAtMe_rkat likes this
United States

all glitches are allowed and duping is a glitch

Queensland, Australia
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

hello i am meerkat and i found the dupe. it doesnt require editing game files. i believe it should be allowed in any% but i think a dupeless category should be created because duping isnt much fun.

bisho posted a while ago in favour of duping stating that it ruins the core game but would be good for speedrunners

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