Golden Axe%
4 years ago
Tokyo, Japan

I would like to request a Golden Axe% I already ran Golden Axe

KilleDragon likes this

If you've done a run of it I would recommend to send a link to the video of your run here, and moderators might add your run to the leaderboards.

KilleDragon and yorunoteiou like this
Tokyo, Japan

Golden Axe%

haster6 and KilleDragon like this
Tokyo, Japan

Golden Axe% (Get recipe)

KilleDragon likes this
North Carolina, USA

It seems like (based on something Zoekay said in the AC discord) he wasn't planning on adding it as a standalone category. I would join the discord and talk to him about it.

yorunoteiou and KilleDragon like this
Basque Country

I doesnt know too much about this game, but if there are more than 1 Golden thing, I just know that exactly the axe is very random In all case, nice Maybe "All golds" or something like that In all case, probably there are not more than 1, so ignore me :) xdxd

yorunoteiou likes this
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Updated timer stop for First Debt

Previously the rule said: "Timer ends on the regaining control of your character after talking to Tom Nook and paying off your first debt."

This was a little ambiguous, as some runs stopped the timer when the final text box cleared:

Others waited until the camera fa

1 year ago