I'm a Newb
7 years ago
California, USA

Hey everyone, I've never done speedrunning before but I am looking to speedrun this game. I'm just wondering what the requirements for an official submission are, how I can use an external timer on my PS4, and other questions about strategies for speedrunning. I know next to nothing about doing this so any help is much appreciated, thank you in advanced!

Kentucky, USA

First off, if you're gonna be running the PS4 version, you'll wanna submit your times here: https://www.speedrun.com/sotc_2018 That's where the official PS4 runs need to be, as it is different enough to warrant its own leader board.

Second, for a timer, you'll need to download a program such as:

  • WSplit -LiveSplit -Llanfair so on and so forth. There's a few out there. I personally use LiveSplit. Pretty easy to set up. Next, you'll want to be able to capture your PS4 through a capture card, like an Elgato HD60S, which needs a computer. You can use the default software they give you, or something like OBS or StreamlabsOBS(Its a different program despite the similar name) to capture the footage, whether it be on stream or through a recording, both options are there. Make sure you at least capture the game footage using the capture card, and the timer, so that they are both there for helping verify the authenticity of the run, as well as giving us a time.

As for startegies for speedrunning, there are still a few out there in development to my knowledge, but I'm sure one of the most experienced PS4 runners could help with that. I have yet to mess with the PS4 version as I have an injured thumb that makes it a bit difficult to speedrun.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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