All Enduro Courses as a category
6 years ago
Illinois, USA

Since (by my knowledge) the enduro courses are not covered via Pro Career, is it feasible to just run the courses in quick race "Cross-Country Enduro" mode? In-game, there are 15 enduro courses: 5 unique environments, each of which has a short, medium, and long length course.

Last night, on my stream, I attempted such a run, but I have not calculated total IGT. I did include LiveSplit for a real-time metric. Link here:

Edited by the author 6 years ago
St. Louis, MO, USA

I like this idea! The only thing to consider (and it really doesn't matter too much for a speedrun community of this size) is people pasting together separately done enduro races and just calling it a complete run. Also, how did the emulator work out for you? Does it feel the same as running it on a PS2? It looks like it ran beautifully!

Illinois, USA

@NuMetalz The game is fully playable on PCSX2 without any settings changes (no hacks applied, no patches, etc). Only issues I notice is that oftentimes the music skips from one track to the next without it fully completing, though it is solely an aesthetic issue.

Another issue, though this one is more setup-dependent, in this case, is that there are minor slowdowns when near the other racers and/or on certain courses (Chateau Halifax is a bad offender: the lag was exorbitantly high when I was doing my attempts). All in all, this is probably one of the few games I can say runs faithfully on PCSX2 compared to real hardware (N.B.: I have also played Fury 2 on a real PS2, but emulating that game compared to Fury1 is much more resource-intensive (edit: to clarify, that game averages on 80% speed in-game but can achieve 100% speed in some cases)).

In regards to your concern where people can pass off separate ILs as a full run, I think the best means to remedy this is that people have to include navigating the menus in the final video (and since IGT is the metric that matters, then any time spent menuing is not going to affect WR pace). In addition, any restarts would be taken into account by adding the IGT the runner had before the restart, much as how Pac-Man World Rally does their leaderboards (since they are indifferent to people running All Tracks on the in-game Grand Prix or Quickrace modes). The constantly-running LiveSplit timer on my video can also be a good recommendation to mitigate splicing, since it runs at a consistent pace and any anomaly can be easily detected.

On a minor note (kind of related to this issue), I'd like the enduro courses added individually for ILs. I tried to get Rallis to do it, but apparently, he misunderstood: instead of adding new listings for the 5 enduro environments and splitting those into short, medium, and long per cat, he added those into the existing courses. (edit: I would like to mention I already have a run on Yardley Station Medium that I would like to submit that is much better than what I have on the linked video).

Edited by the author 6 years ago
St. Louis, MO, USA

Sounds great! I'll start ripping on getting all that fixed up tomorrow in by breaks at college. It's also great to hear that PCSX2 is running the game well! There has been a couple people asking about using it in ATV 2, but no one has used it yet! Maybe it just didn't work out for them lol.

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