Couple of things
7 months ago

A couple of things, thought I'd put it in one post.

Biggest thing first: Is there any difference between the XBox and PC version? Because if not, it's much more fun to just join them together and make one big scoreboard. (All smaller glitches, like desert run, and loadscreen moving should be the same though)

Second, I see a new mod with no speedruns/engagement and just new to the site. Maybe some explanation would be nice.

Third, as mentioned in another forum post, can we change the rules so everybody has to start with New Game? It ensures desert run and prevents frustration for new runners.

New Zealand

Hi, I posed the same question to the previous mods regarding platform differences and was told that load times are significantly different enough to enforce seperate leaderboards. I don't own an Xbox so I can't really confirm this. I agree that having a single leaderboard with all the runs would be better and will be something I'll look into after doing autosplit testing and retimings.

The new mod is a friend of mine, while they don't have on-site experience they are a speedrunner and will primarily be helping me with verification and re-tiimings as I have found myself quite busy with other projects. This should help move things along but I can't promise immediate changes as of yet.

Hope this helps, I'll try not to delay things too long, cheers.

AskForAlex likes this

quick update on anyone watching this, as micca said I'll be doing the retimings which will be based on my interpretation of loadstates, while it may not be 100% accurate it'll at the very least be fair all across the board. im about halfway done through this process, micca is also working with kinkajou to have a working autosplitter available. board wont be updated until both of these things are done so be patient with us, thanks

AskForAlex and Radgryd like this

Alright, good job!

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Leaderboard 2.0 Update

Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. We've seen your feedback and made the following adjustments:

Runs will now use IGT as the primary timing method. All previous runs have been triple retimed by and myself. Of course manual timi

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