All Series of Bob The Robber
4 years ago
Stockholm, Sweden

Like why is there no Bob The Robber Series?


In order to request a series, you need at least 3 games in a series, but we only have 2 games accepted at the moment (btr1 and btr3)

Stockholm, Sweden

Yeah I knew that but there is 7 games (not on sr.c but still)


the problem is that only 2 games have been run, whilst the other 5 have not. So until someone posts a run for 1 of the other 5 games, bob the robber will not be a series.

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You will see that there will an influx of new IL runs posted to the leaderboards. I've decided to add the Individual Level times from full-runs to the IL leaderboards, because there isn't a reason why it shouldn't be added. So if you see that a bunch of "new" runs are posted under your name, that's

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