English Patch
6 years ago

Oh wow it says it was just released on 6th Jan 2018!

Have you played it? I think there is a description error as you cannot play as Chris in the "official" release. I don't have an account nor an emulator, so I don't want to bother setting all that up as I'm not going to use it.

I'm curious as to how complete the translation is. It says 1.0 which would imply fully translated. I wonder if they did brute force translating, where you replace characters with an alphabet and then search for it using a hexadecimal editor or if they read the Chinese first.

Edit: The official release on pacnsacdave's website says indeed that you cannot play as Chris. He also states that the script in the translation is based off of the original script for the US version of the PS1 game.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

It's completely translated, also you don't need an account. All you need is an emulator (preferably FCEUX), the ROM, and the patch. Also, if your copy of the ROM crashes, you'll need the crash fix patch installed before the English patch.

Side note, I'm working on a TAS (chinese ver.), so if you (crazyjesse) would like to help me, just send me a DM on discord, and I'll teach you how to use the tools, and also set up the emulator.

Sure, sounds fun. I'm really interested to see what routing you have done as to me my route seemed to work well but no-one has contested it yet. Perfect dodges and shots should certainly change up some of the routing choices.

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