Texas Hold 'Em Poker... and why this game should be banned from speedrun.com
3 years ago
Colorado, USA

The website speedrun.com is a collaboration website for holding a website of many speedruns. Its sole purpose is to bring us together via the website to display runs; and/or we all are all friends with each other. So where did we go wrong .. ?

Sufficed to say this could of been avoided. We all know the damage that this game can and is causing to the youth. I am 23 going on 24 this month and I am afraid of losing my mid-twenties to grinding out a 2:04. I will wake up the day after I get the 1 in 200,000 run and wonder where four years of my life went... hint hint the answer isn't Ohio Fold 'Em. It's this game right here.

I been in rendezvous with the head honchoes over at speedrun.com website and we've decided to banish this leaderboard starting very very now. It is time to move on and go outside and breath-a-freshair to stop playlolin.

I hope you understand the plea: GET RID OF THIS GAME! Turmoil awaits you if you continue down the dangerous path.

merpell and f1 like this
Saskatchewan, Canada

local man voices his opinion after staring at a DS for 9 hours

Colorado, USA

12 hours - brain damage

merpell likes this
Saskatchewan, Canada

I can't hear my own thoughts anymore....it's just....playLOLin

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