how did sg_masterpigman duo piggy book 1 all chapters speedrun is there without other players POV
3 years ago

how did sg_masterpigman duo piggy book 1 all chapters speedrun is there on the leaderboard without other player's POV while mine was rejected because of that

Edited by the author 3 years ago
StarSpeed likes this
United Kingdom

that was there before the rule was established

zir0nic, StarSpeed and 2 others like this

what elims said

StarSpeed likes this
United States


StarSpeed likes this

but they should remove it now from the leader board

StarSpeed likes this

why no ! well just end this thread

StarSpeed likes this

cuz there are way too many runs that dont follow this rule

StarSpeed likes this

but why did they rejected mine

StarSpeed likes this

Just ask @SG_masterpigman and the other moderators/verifiers on the Piggy Speedrunning Discord Server to help you clarify of what happened.

Act_ and MinecraftGaming like this

before teh rule u only needed 1 pov after teh rule u now need 2 pov thats why they rejected u lmfao



Act_ and MinecraftGaming like this

Because in the plant map, the mods dont know if your teammate used glitches or not.

Act_ and MinecraftGaming like this

they just need pov for plant right? because i checked the rules and there were written for duo all chapters : All top 3 glitchless all chapter runs require video proof in the orange section in plant for proof that no glitches were used in the run. External timers are not required, but are encouraged.

so does that mean they only need pov for plant ?


no u need pov for every map

Galway, Ireland

@RaiyantheYoutu your run got rejected because you submitted it after the rule was established, other runs that don’t have the POVs needed were submitted before the rule was established so they were verified, and since there are so many runs that were submitted before the rule was in place, they’re not going to remove runs that don’t follow the rule

SeevenSees and zir0nic like this

it got verified now

United Kingdom

yea cause sg has brain damage