High scores
6 years ago
Surrey, England

Could you add a category for us to put high scores like other google doodle leaderboards? Thanks.

p.s. maybe even a low score? you can go negative in this particular game.

Pennsylvania, USA

I second this, for both high and low scores.


Gave2haze likes this
United States

@Gave2haze: your negative gnome was blue; you may want to edit that since it popped up in Red 2.


Pennsylvania, USA

sYn, Can you show us how you achieved both of your records?

United States

I have videos so they can indicate exactly the method use.

The larger red gnome (red 2) has the best bounce so it is the best to use for attempts.

For backwards, you have to time a boost onto the log (at distance -28) and you will bounce backwards off it.

For forward, as long as you can time the boosts onto a surface that will extend height, for instance a mushroom, and continue to use boosts at maximum height (so you get the most downward momentum) you will succeed in getting distances better than where just the logs will carry you.

There are a few dead areas you don't want to land, like 900-1000, there is a lot of mud. Also ~1400-1500 and ~2400-2500 since butterflies/clouds slow descent.

But there is only mud past 3K mark as far as I know, so with enough height you can bounce even in shallow mud. Still I believe 4K is possible.

Pennsylvania, USA

For going backwards, I can't seem to get past -26.

United States

For going backwards you do need to time a boost off the backwards log initially (tap as soon as you're sailing over it). I watch for the wood pole on the trebuchet to be just past 12'o clock. Only the red 2 gnome can get a really good bounce. The yellow gnome MIGHT be able to get behind the log but haven't had much luck.

I may have gotten the farthest negative score...

Queensland, Australia

no, farthest neg is like -640. With that gnome, maybe, be not overall.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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