Is there a stance on using an emulator and/or the CFB Revamped mod?
3 years ago
Tennessee, USA

I currently don't have my PS3 console available to use, but I do have RPCS3 working with a legitimate copy of NCAA 14, and was wondering if it's strictly just console runs or not. I also use the CFB Revamped mod and don't know if that affects runs with the updates it has.

North Carolina, USA

I've thought about this for a little while now. The issue with rpcs3 or any emulator is its inability at times to run a game perfectly as if it was on console, so putting it in the same class as console runs would be unfair. However, eventually ill add emulator runs for categories. (Because I understand with market value, copies being hard to find etc, its not fair to expect you to buy a 130+ bucks video game just for a speedrun.)

Now for CFBR: While its a modded version of the NCAA Football 14 game, its modded. I really want to add this as a subgame soon so speedruns can be done. The depth of speedrun categories will be low, since the game has already edited rosters, different teams etc. so the category differences will be limited.

EDIT: Emulator run categories are now available as well as College Football Revamped (Look for CFBR under "ROM Hacks")

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Arizona, USA

Yeah, just started playing again on the same emulator and looked into doing speedruns on NCAA 14 via RPCS3 after struggling pretty hard to get my hands on a copy of the PS3 version. Since I've been playing on PC, I haven't noticed any big runtime changes between this one and the old version, though.