pls help
3 years ago
United States

So I switched to a new computer and copied over red ball. When I open up red ball igt edition and hit reset then right, it doesn't get a perfect start. The link the the red ball 15.0 hacks folder which contains all of the igt editons is broken please help me.

Tennessee, USA

maybe just download the games again bc something might’ve happened when you copied them over

United States

Yes but the download is broken. Also I don't want to lose all of my progress as I beat almost all of the hakcs.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Tennessee, USA

hmm idk then. you might want to ask in the discord


You can't get green timer at all?

My guess is that new computer = new keyboard which will change the feel of getting it.

Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

maybe you just suck at pressing right ⁉️

Tranman64, Motorjam and 14 others like this
New Zealand

get good 4Head

landus likes this

time to everyone like zennan comment

landus and Danimed like this
Distrito Federal, Brazil

Probably when you copy Red Ball, something go wrong, I recommend you install it again

United States

I told you already, the red ball hack collection with all of the igt editions download is broken.


Okay, I updated the link in RBCE resources. The best source for things is #links on the Discord server.

But if you can play and see a timer, then I doubt that was your problem.

United States

Actually when I try to download it by clicking on the arrow then download, it zips the file but then nothing happens.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

Never mind I just had to download all the file 1 by 1 but it seems that getting green timer is MUCH MUCH harder than it was. It's like its running at 100 fps or something. My new computer has a rtx 3070 so maybe that has something to do with it?

Ottawa, ON, Canada

did you get a new keyboard


My money is on the keyboard, tho I guess no-lag could also be making it harder. Ironically, a worse keyboard might be easier. Also try "D", right arrow, and keypad 6 (numlock off) and see if it's any easier.

My technique, which is easily over 95% consistent on my computer, is to press "R" and right arrow almost simultaneously but separated just enough so that I don't accidentally press right before "R".

I doubt the graphics card has anything to do with it, because Flash barely uses it. You could try uncheck "Enable hardware acceleration" (Right click->Settings->Display tab) and see what happens.

United States

Yeah that was my old method but it doesn't work anymore.

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