How to become a category modder?
2 years ago

Hey Guys, such a question. In Witcher 3 Category there was no modder activity for 4 weeks and more so i thought maybe i can help in this. So can anyone tell me how to become a modder cause i've heard it's possible and apreciated.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Iowa, USA

First contract the mods for the game and if they don’t respond after around 2-3 weeks, then go here:

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United States

Have you submitted a run yet?


Pear, Hi yes i submited a run 4 weeks ago.


Act_, why contact them when they didn't check my run for 4 weeks?

United States

Message them through their linked social media to see if you can get your runs verified without going through support hub.


Well i still requested to become a modder maybe i can help.

He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

I just checked the when the mods were last active. One was active one month ago, and another two weeks ago. I suggest you message them and wait another week and if they don't respond, then request mod privileges. Remember that mods have lives. Be patient.

Edited by the author 2 years ago