Boss room trick?
4 years ago

Does anyone know how to reproduce that glitch that enables Ryu to enter the boss rooms faster? The glitch is seen in the TAS before every Boss fight except for the Act 3 Boss.

Probably wouldn't be viable in RT runs, but I'm curious to know what causes the glitch

TheFlyingDice and ThatPunk_ like this

theres a tas? hmm i need to see that

Heyy I think I cracked the code on this... but not entirely. Here's a little tutorial: let's see if we can't get this in an RTA run!

Side note: I grew up with this game and it kicks up a lot of nostalgia for me. I'm hoping to submit a run of my own one day! :D


Hi! I'm the guy who wrote huge wall of text about the glitch under your video!

I have an RTA run where I pulled it on the last act just before the final boss.

Since when we spoke I had multiple runs where I pulled it successfully but it's quite hard to get it 100% consistent. I don't know anything about how to TAS... I don't know how to dissect the glitch so I can know at which frames inputs need to go, it would help us a lot to find kind of a rhythm pattern. Still I'll try to find a way and come back when I found something of value!

Take care all!

ThatPunk_ likes this

Yo @TheFlyingDice that's incredible! Congratulations on getting it to happen in a real-time run! You're making me want to spend some time re-investigating this to see if I can help find a consistent setup or rhythm. I've only made a TAS of one thing, and it was ages ago, so I'm not highly skilled at it - however, in that video description I put a link to the TAS-ers page which explains some of the mechanics in greater detail. Maybe that could be a good starting point if you are looking for frame data!

Good luck! :D

TheFlyingDice likes this

Ahoy. Thank you!

The info I got was from the TASVideo link you provided under your video =P Even with all the infos and movement pretty locked on I don't know why it is so random sometimes. I had a crazy theory when I noticed that spamming start don't make you skip cinematics faster even if you spam really fast so maybe there's some lag involved or I don't know BUT even with that added to the recipe I still found the glitch pretty random to pull.. sometimes I'll pull it more than 5 times in a row other times I can't pull it for more than one minute in a row.

I'll try to look for some TAS knowledge to see if I can do something too! Good luck to you too on your part!

ThatPunk_ likes this

I get you on all that. The only thing I'm confused about is why moving left and right is said to help, but I can get it while only jumping and slashing. I'm definitely gonna be doing more experimenting when I can, and will report back with any findings!

TheFlyingDice likes this

Actually, I'm responding with a follow up quicker than I thought.

I was messing around and managed to get the glitch to occur with only one additional slash in the air - I didn't know that was possible! Also, a little session of attempts for data, but 3:59 in the video is when I hit the one slash skip. I hope this is enlightening! :D

TheFlyingDice likes this

Wow your video is actually quite interesting =o

The left right thing is about canceling your slash with opposite direction so you can slash again and gain height each time you slash (especially in TAS). But now with your video, maybe it is not actually required to left right cancel in RTA. I'll try to replicate it and see if there is a consistent way. (Pure speculation but maybe there is a right timing with the jump that makes you go really high before the second slash?)

Super interesting discover!!

ThatPunk_ likes this

You CAN get much higher with L and R (in the beginning I'm holding L and R simultaneously and auto firing), but it seems possible to trigger the glitch without doing so!

It feels as if you say, that it's hinging upon a proper timing after the jump, and that timing seems to have slight variation to it. It feels as if there's a "sweet spot" to get the optimal height.

Btw if you ever wanna chat about this on Discord or anything, message me here and I'll give you my username. Either way, good luck to us both finding more!

TheFlyingDice likes this

I replicate it seconds ago but didn't know how. I was just mindlessly doing as you did jumpslash + slash and it finally trigger the boss room after a lot of attempt. I wonder if there is not something more with the precise timing, maybe you need to keep pressing a direction+jump or slash, or even maybe lag since I use some lag on act 2 to stay a bit more in the air on a particular jump. And yes L and R can get you higher but for example, in act 1 it's pretty difficult to cancel the direction and still reach far enough on the screen to load the boss door, this method could help a lot with this door especially. Quite a mysterious glitch here =P

Feel free to pm your Discord! And may the luck help us find what's going on haha

ThatPunk_ likes this

Ah but I don't think directionals are required, because I've got it to trigger from a standstill. I really want to try and use TAS tools and RAM watch to search for Ryu's pixel height, I know that would be some very valuable data to understand this all better! I'll DM you my Discord name, we can trade findings more easily that way!

TheFlyingDice likes this

Interesting! I'll dig into the TAS part too. I'm looking for some tutorial I hope to come up with something today =P I sent you a friend req on discord ;)

ThatPunk_ likes this
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