Bsc. Martial Training: Difficulity Easy
3 years ago
Queensland, Australia

Hi, just wondering if you could make this a catergory because I think it would be interesting to see how fast people could finish one target practice.

Rubyn likes this

I got like 2.42 so that would be cool to have that categorie

Rubyn likes this
Costa Rica

Because the stages are so randomized, I don't know if putting it all on a single board would make a good category, but I can add it.

Edit: Sideshows have been added as a category, divided into Easy, Medium, and Hard.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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Sideshows are here!

Sideshows have been added as an IL category! They're divided into Easy, Medium, and Hard, and can be found at the bottom of the IL list.

2 years ago
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