Jack not following me down the stairs
1 year ago
Czech Republic

for some reason after the bathroom scene where jack grabs u, after i shoot him in the left thigh and fall down the stairs jack doesn't follow me no matter how many bullets i even shoot into the floor, I've been trying this for like 30 minutes and no matter what i do he just doesn't jump down unless i literally wait for him upstairs

United States

It's the new patch (Steam/New Gen Console), he wont fall down he walks around upstairs. The OOB acts differently because of this. There are some guides i can point you to or you can watch some of my runs or runs in the CutScene Skip category

morcexd likes this
Czech Republic

ah i see, thanks

Czech Republic
Deleted by the author
Århus, Denmark

Hey DynastyDN

Could you please link one of your runs where you do the new OOB?

Cant seem to get it to work either :(

United States

If youre talking about the new patch OOB, all of my runs are on new patch

Edited by the author 9 days ago
Århus, Denmark

New patch OOB :)

Århus, Denmark

I'll go check them out. Thanks 👍🏼

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