Fastest run was done 2 years ago.
8 months ago
Nottinghamshire, England

5.10 was done by Keeganator after i started the history of the game's speedrunning

grf1 and gnrts like this
Nottinghamshire, England

There are many more records that are videos or screenshots in the msd byt i cant submit on their behalf.

grf1, gnrts, and Gaming_64 like this

my pb is 4.71, i haven't gone around to submitting it yet tho

edit: submitted it

Edited by the author 8 months ago
gnrts likes this

Also according to Google Play leaderboards, the WR is 4.14, may be even lower on ios game center ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(of course google play leaderboards don't provide any proof or anything)

Kinda interested what's the lowest possible time in this game tbh

Edited by the author 8 months ago
United States

I got a 3.68, which is wr as far as i can tell (previous ios game center record was 4.32)

Zangoose likes this
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Posted 7 months ago
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