8 years ago
New Jersey, USA

StrongestCirno just submitted this run as a 1:09, but it is clearly longer than that. Should we switch to real-time for all runs?

copied from my comment on youtube:

It looks like something caused the IGT to glitch.

If I had to guess, I would say that completing the level right as you were being arrested is what caused the glitch. The moment of completing the level seems to be a volatile and glitchy moment throughout the game.


I saw someone on the Steam forums saying how IGT is sometimes off because of refresh rate, so it's definitely a recurring issue

New Jersey, USA

Alright, if we go to RTA, then we have a couple ways to do it. The game officially times from when the music starts, which is actually just before the loading screen disappears. Or, we could do it from selecting "restart"/stage select, but I'm not sure if loading times are consistent.

Whichever we decide on, fuddleduck is willing to re-time the existing runs.


I think going from the restart/stage select would be easier to time from, rather than waiting for an audio cue

New Jersey, USA

Okay, so all I can do right now is find which ones are glitched. (Sorry, but I won't have my computer for about a week.) Someone needs to figure out how long it is between restart/select and the start of the music, so that we can add those seconds to the non-glitched times. I'm compiling a list, and I'll edit this post in a few minutes.

Wolf, you're the biggest victim of the framerate bug :(

List: http://pastebin.com/BiiXm86F

And new IL rules:

  • Timer starts at character select or "Restart".
  • Timer ends on last kill of the level.
  • Time runs with WSplit, LiveSplit, etc. (In-game time can be inaccurate.)
  • All runs must be submitted with a video.

Any thoughts? :)

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Yeah I figured I might be, my computer sucks >.<

All sounds good to me! Between restart/select and start of the music, I'd say it was about 0.95 seconds.

Pennsylvania, USA

I was hoping I'd be able to go through and re-time existing runs to save everyone from having to trash and re-do their runs, but that, unfortunately, will not work. Most of the videos just start with the loading screen, not with selecting the level. So that's not possible to re-time. Looks like we'll have to wipe the board, guys :(

New Jersey, USA

Board cleared, except for the ones that can be re-timed. I will re-time them later tonight.

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