I'm a little confused...
3 years ago
Idaho, USA

So I came here to check out the boards (I played the crap out of this game as a kid), and the boards/times are a bit odd.

For example, the WR for one goal is 15 minutes and 52 seconds. In the in-game video, the time is 15.52 seconds. I'm going to assume that this is the same for the other times on the boards, where the WR is 3 hours, 23 minutes, and 29 seconds. Are these just uploaded wrong or am I missing something here?

Kind of the same thing with the "most goals" category. How can the total goals (11) be kept track of with a time? For example, If I score 12 goals, and the time is uploaded as 12 seconds, then I would come up as second place on the leaderboards?

Could the mod clarify?

PopperKing, AaronTruitt and 2 others like this
South Carolina, USA

It appears that the timing in submissions needs to be updated to include milliseconds. That would fix the hours > minutes in submissions here.

I believe that Most Goals should not be tracked on SRC because it is not a speedrun related challenge. I think this category should be removed.

PopperKing likes this

AaronTruitt Thanks for your opinion TImes have Been fixed, the most goals category is just for fun do you not like fun? if not you can just ignore it like most others have aswell :)


Also for the previous Question as we can see here the time goes up with the goals and if you guys were worried about it not working as intended the longer "time" is first.

Minnesota, USA

Speedrun.com does allow for reverse time sort so does support functions that are against completing something as quickly as possible -- I think the score attack is fine & fun so long as its not like, the main category.

As for the milliseconds thing, looks like Popper sorted it out today. Thanks!

Edited by the author 7 months ago
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