All Possible No dashes Category
3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

There should be an all possible no dash category so people can see what levels are possible and not possible


I have one conclusion to you question. Every level is possible with casual mode just are very hard. AKA spectre, close to me, final boss, unlocked, try this and art of war. it would be a good category which excluded those levels but it would have to be done in playlist mode. Yes, if I could add it would add a category. Doing CasualAny% no dash speedrun broke me and i quit at final boss because of its extreme difficulty. Here's a tip for the tutorial. when there are barriers where you have to dash through, just go diagonally then when hit, move right. repeat that and remember to be on 2 health for the end because of the last barrier.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Albany, NY, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Well also by "ALL Possible No Dashes" do we mean ALL levels or just STORY levels? Because there's definitely some non-story levels that are possible w/o dashing. tho i can't think of any off the top of my head.


I assume it is story levels excluding lost chapter levels. just like the any% speedrun. but there is a category for it. CasualAny% Dashless is the category for this particular speedrun. but to do all possible. it would have to be done in playlist mode and lots of levels like spectre would be rng and unlocked impossible without a major glich it would be a category which could take over 5 hours to complete. so i prefer sticking to the storymode dashless.

Edited by the author 3 years ago