Normal any% runs disappeared
4 years ago

Alright... All the runs, to the best of my knowledge, have been restored to the Any% normal category... Please check if your runs are categoriesed correctly since this was all manual work...

Also: If you have time, please correct the Date of the run aswell, by editting the run. Please note that in the comment since this has to be verified again!

Looking through it on my end... It looks like there are no runs from augst 2015 and before... I am not sure why those are missing... If you want you can resubmit those if you'd like

Hey guys,

in the process of changing the rule sets i made a crucial mistake which accidentally deleted the full normal any% categorie. Apparently there is no way to use a rollback for this type of mistake.

All the runs are still stored in a history log, in which all the necessary runner information seems to be stored.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Hey Teo,

Are the mods looking to deputize some people and get these runs processed more quickly? So it isn't a 5 person job. Let us know how/if we can help.

P.s. During this time, should runners postpone submitting new runs for P1? Maybe only submit for Px/P8 or not submit new runs at all?

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Ready to help if needed


i will let you guys know - currently we are trying to resubmit the runs with the available information to be verified again, via the api available. unfortunatly the logs are not giving out the information on the category, run time and date of the run... these things will have to be adjusted by checking the runs one by one

thanks for the offer :)

Edited by the author 4 years ago

thats not helping ^^


looks like there might be a way to restore some more then initially expected. this might take a little longer though

Daz86, stasyszy, and MacroBioBoi like this

Update: We currently have to go through 1.425 runs manually and put them all in place again. This might take a while.


1250 to go a lot of obsolete runs in there aswell - sadly can't really filter those out

also a big number of runs that dont have a working video in there

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Would it help if those of us who are willing/still around just resubmit our own stuff? That way you could just ignore our names and shorten the list a bit trough that.

If the obsolete runs are also in your list i probably could cut off 50 runs to check just by myself


the problem with that is i would have to redo the full verification process for all runs then -> resulting in a lot more time spent over all ^^ on the list i have now i at least already know the runs have been verified in the past so i dont have to worry about that.

i will ask ppl to check their runs for any mistakes / missing runs at when i am done.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Almost half way done - guessing the rest will take about 2 days (with me having work tomorrow) :O

Mekalb and Daz86 like this
Western Australia, Australia

cheers for fixing !

Virginia, USA

Shouldn't the dates be fixed as well? I'd be happy to try and help out if so.


i will try to do that afterwards problem with that right now is that you cant just put in a date - you have to manually select it from a full calender that you can only move through month by month <.<

also.. half way done - Pog

Edited by the author 4 years ago

500 submittions to go - tedious is not a strong enough word for this xD

Edited by the author 4 years ago

200 left - those gonna get done tomorrow after work Pog

Daz86 likes this
British Columbia, Canada

And I was all exciting thinking that all runs has to be Hell run now. LOL


Alright... All the runs, to the best of my knowledge, have been restored to the Any% normal category... Please check if your runs are categoriesed correctly since this was all manual work...

Also: If you have time, please correct the Date of the run aswell, by editting the run. Please note that in the comment since this has to be verified again!

Looking through it on my end... It looks like runs from 2015 and parts of 2016 are missing... If you want you can resubmit those if you'd like

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Mazowieckie, Poland

Took a brief look and found few discrepancies:

Bender's Hardcore Druid Normal 1:26:25 - That's 327 run Mojlodost's Hardcore Paladin Normal 1:44:47 - Assassin run in Paladin category Teo's Hardcore Necro Normal 1:50:43 - It's Softcore run, you should've 2nd place there instead of 4th HC

Overall great job with restoring previous state that quick, respect.

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